Patience Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

Passive patience, to be sure, has its place; but consider patience rather from the precepts of God's relationship to man: love unbounded is patience. Love manifested is patience. Endurance at times is patience, consistence ever is patience.  (3161-1)

Yet, as one finds self as a shadow, or as a representative of that indicated in the eternal, - one may ask, what is the source of this association or connection? It is time, space and patience that bridges that distance. These are man's concept of the spirit of God manifesting to the three-dimensional consciousness. Hence the records of each entity are recorded upon time and space, and in patience may be interpreted to the entity; to be used constructively, not as something of which to boast or to make short cuts. For, there are no short cuts in patience. There are no short cuts in time or space, when conceived in the mental and spiritual aspect. (2771-1)

That primarily needed is patience, persistence and consistence. Then we would define for the entity what we mean by the entity having patience – in an active, positive manner and not merely as a passive thing.  (3161-1)

Time and space and patience are most needed oft, that few souls or individuals are willing to pay the price for - until they grow to be such, you see.  Just as has so oft been indicated, one doesn't fall out of a tree into heaven, or an airplane, or fly into heaven, but one grows in grace, in knowledge, in understanding, in perfecting within self those applications of tenets and truths that bring to the activities the spiritual, the mental growth.  (2746-2)

Hence that as given first and foremost learn to be patient, not only with self. For that one cannot endure within itself it finds as a fault in others. That thou findest as a fault in others is thine own greatest fault, ever!  (815-2)

Then there is no time, there is no space, when patience becomes manifested in love.  (3161-1)

For as we forgive, we are forgiven; as we condemn others, we are ourselves condemned. Thus in patience condemn not, neither find fault; not condoning, not agreeing, but let thine own life so shine that others, seeing thy patience, knowing thy understanding, comprehending thy peace, may take hope.  (3459-1)

Perfection is not possible in a material body until you have at least entered some thirty times ... (2982-2)

In the material associations, in the material connections, then, do with thy might what thy hand finds to do today. For sufficient unto the day is the good as well as the evil thereof. For as He hath given in thee that thou may be the channel, the representative, the agent--yea, the very representative in flesh of Him, then act in thine inner self, act in thine outward expression, as though thou wert (for thou art!) His child, and are heir to all the glories here, now, of His kingdom. Not in the future, not of the past! For in the eternal now is He active in thee.  (683-2)

Make haste slowly, for one can easily become discouraged. One can become overenthusiastic. One can become in such a manner of policy as to let the little ends slip without proper consideration, as to their meaning with the whole undertaking.  (2448-3)

Then the awareness in patience, for this entity, is to become more and more aware of thy relationship to the Creative Forces. Do not grow anxious because those about thee deny thy faith. Only live it and be it; not in finding fault with others, not in condemning others. (3459-1)

Taking or enduring hardships, or censure, or idiosyncrasies of others, is not necessarily patience at all. It may become merely that of being a drudge not only to self but an outlet of expression from others that may never be quite satisfying because there is no resistance.  (3161-1)

Patience is that necessary activity of the mind, mentally, physically, spiritually, that makes for expansion of and acquaintance with the activities of that that may be known in self, as to whether there IS the proper attitude with that which is held as the ideal, as to whether the faith is in faith or by works, whether the virtue is as with understanding or is as a set rule, whether self is in possession of the ideal, and with cooperative measures activating in the experience of individuals. Hence, as we find, this lesson must be the summing up of all that has been experienced by individuals through that they have given to others, that they now must live themselves in their daily activities - that they may enter in.  (262-25)

… for patience is not passive nor negative; it is a CONSTRUCTIVE influence, a positive activative force. For, if one smite thee on the one cheek, did He say withdraw? No! Rather, turn the other! Be active in thy patience; be active in thy relationships with thy fellow man!  (815-2)

LEARN YE PATIENCE, if ye would have an understanding, if ye would gain harmony and grace in this experience! "For in patience do ye possess your souls." It's when individuals have become impatient, and desire their own will or desire their expression or desire that they as individuals be heard, that they become less and less in that close association with the Divine - and more of that as is human and of the animal becomes manifest.  (1201-2)

In this application, not the great things - but being gentle, and know, even as He gave, "In patience possess ye your souls." For, patience is not as of not getting mad; not as of toleration; for tolerance and patience are as opposite as hate and brotherly love in their field of activity. For, patience is becoming aware of that which is the impelling influence in thine experience, while tolerance is as holding your tongue when you want to say something bad!  Then, in the activities as related to these, these will not only aid in creating greater influence in the experience but will make for joyousness in the everyday activities of life.   (451-3)

(Q) When does patience cease to be a virtue?
(A) When thou art satisfied with thy own surroundings or conditions….
(Q) When we reach the development of ceasing to see faults in those we contact, is it then we can say we have patience?
(A) When we see rather Him that we worship even in the faults of others, THEN we are at the BEGINNING of patience.   (262-24)

Give the TIME! Be PATIENT! You've had years and YEARS of the [physical] disturbance. Don't expect it to be cured in a moment and be of a permanent nature. For the body, the life, the whole of every entity IS a GROWTH; and unless it is of such a growth that it is stable, it isn't worth very much! Be patient. Be consistent. Be persistent. And follow those suggestions that HAVE been made. And we will find help.   (716-3)

Then we would define for the entity what we mean by the entity having patience - in an active, positive manner and not merely as a passive thing.  Taking or enduring hardships, or censure, or idiosyncrasies of others, is not necessarily patience at all. It may become merely that of being a drudge not only to self but an outlet of expression from others that may never be quite satisfying because there is no resistance. Passive patience, to be sure, has its place; but consider patience rather from the precepts of God's relationship to man: love unbounded is patience. Love manifested is patience. Endurance at times is patience, consistence ever is patience.  What then is needed? What is most desirable in the experience of the entity? The special problem asked concerning may include each or all of these and yet may become a hardship, unless there is first the recognition within self by the entity that in patience ye may become aware of your own soul.  Time, space, and patience, then, are those channels through which man as a finite mind may become aware of the infinite.  (3161-1)

These be the things one must do. And do find patience with self. It has been said, "Have we not piped all the day long and no one has answered?" Seekest thou, as was given from this illustration, for the gratifying of thy self? or seekest thou to be a channel of blessing to thy fellow man? They may not have answered as THOU hast seen. They may have even shown contempt, as sneering, for thy patience and thy trouble. But SOMEWHERE the sun still shines; SOMEWHERE the day is done; for those that have grown weary, for those that have given up. The Lord abhorreth the quitter. And those temptations that come in such cases are the viewing of thine own self. Ye have hurt thyself and ye have again crucified thy Lord, when ye become impatient or speak harshly because someone has jeered or because someone has sneered or because someone has laughed at thy efforts!  (518-2)

The more patience that is shown in self toward others, the more patience will be shown by others to self - and it becomes then a circle, as it were, and before one knows it the conditions have adjusted themselves so that the self is able to adapt self to all the circumstances and conditions, and the environs that come about in the various activities. Being patient, then, with self first, being patient then with others. As the patience is manifest, so will the results be seen. This doesn't mean patience in the sense of just submissiveness, or just being quiet - but an ACTIVE patience, CONSCIOUS of being patient with self and with others. Force self to do some unpleasant things that it hasn't wanted to do once in a while, and like it!  (911-3)

Would we have that love, that patience of the Maker of the worlds, we must show patience to our brother, and - as was asked of Him, how oft shall I forgive? Seven times? Yea, seventy times seven, that ye may know that which is builded in self. Through patience does the understanding come. Knowledge of itself is nothing. Understanding in the Lord becomes that of love, in patience, that maketh for the glorifying of that which is the gift of the Father in the material, the mental, the spiritual world. Stand STILL, will ye see the glory of the Lord. In patience possess ye your souls. As there is gained more and more those understandings in cooperation, self, activities in self, and the more there is gained a knowledge of the presence of Him in the experience, greater does patience work in the life, the experience, the heart, and the soul grows in understanding of His presence …  (262-24)

Thus we find His intervention in man's attempt throughout the eons of time and space. For these (time and space) become portions of this three-dimensional plane. And what is the other? Time, Space, Patience!  For God has shown and does show us day by day, even as His Son gave, that in patience we become aware of our souls, of our identity, of our being each a corpuscle, as it were, in the great body, in the heart of, our God. And He has not willed otherwise. Then what is the Spirit of God? PATIENCE, TIME AND SPACE in the material understanding.  This then is our first premise; that God IS - in the material experience of man - TIME, SPACE, PATIENCE!  (262-114)